How it Works
Rat bait stations are used to control existing rodent activity already present as well as a the frontline defense to control rodent activity before the pest enters the property.
Bait stations control rat activity from the ground up to the top of your roof.
In most cases the treatment will resolve the issue within the first 10 days once the bait stations are in place
The treatment will work for:
- Homes
- Public spaces
- Schools
- Office buildings
- Warehouses
- Shopping centres
The DIY Rat Rid solution uses Rat Bait Stations filled with commercial quality rat bait to control unwanted rat activity.
The key feature for using Rat Bait Station include
Quick and easy to install. Simply Place & Protect
Simply Palce & Protect
Lockable and tamper resistant for children and animals
Convenience for maintenance and bait refilling
Refillable and recyclable
Installed around the perimeter at the ground level
The rat bait stations are placed in the targeted locations around your property which will encourage rodent’s curiosity to investigate the contents of the bait stations and leads to the rats eating the rat bait contained within each bait station.
Basically what we are doing is placing a ring around your property (a barrier) and when the rats that are in your ceiling, walls or floor leave these areas to forage for food & water around your property they will come across the bait stations, eat the bait and then go and seek water and die elsewhere. The same goes for any rats that are around the surrounding area that try to enter your property as they too will be dealt with by the bait stations before it becomes a problem in the ceiling, walls or floors.
As long as you ensure there is bait in the bait stations then you will ensure no active rat presence within your barrier.
The rat bait stations are designed for use in sensitive external areas as they are tamper and weatherproof – ensuring the safety of children, pets and non-target animals.
Where to place the bait stations to protect yourself from unwanted rat activity
If you want to rid your house/building of rat activity you need to place the bait stations around the building itself. See example below.

Land Property
If you want to rid your land property of rat activity you need to place the bait stations around the land perimeter. See example below.

House/Building & Land Property
If you want to rid your house/building and the property land of rat activity you need to place the bait stations around both the building and the land perimeter. See example below.

You will never need to crawl into a dirty roof space ever again.